Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Newest Adventure

  Here goes a new adventure for me...blogging. Once again, being the Social Media Director for Gahanna Animal Hospital is causing me to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new. So here goes. 
  I'll start off with giving you some background on myself. My name is Michelle and before working here at the hospital, I helped manage a large dog grooming salon for 12 years. After becoming pregnant with twins and being put on bed rest at 25 weeks, the grooming shop was sold to someone else and underwent some changes that caused me to look elsewhere for another job. Four months after having healthy twins, I was hired at Gahanna Animal Hospital in February, 2007 and was very grateful to have been given 40 hours and scheduled the perfect hours for being a single mom to 4 amazing kids! I was hired at the front desk as a Client Care Representative. With the hours I was scheduled, I was trained under the watchful eyes of Amy and Kim. These two ladies are recognized by many of our regular clients as staples to the business and I was lucky enough to work side by side with them! I learned a lot from these ladies and with this business, the learning never stops.
  After being here for a few years, Lisa, the Hospital Administrator, asked if I would be interested in getting a Facebook page for the hospital up and running. Sure, why not, I thought. How hard could it be to post cute pics and videos about puppies and kittens? I already had my own personal page and was active enough on it to know the basics of it. So on March 23, 2011, I started the hospital's Facebook page. Lisa was smart enough to hire a professional media spokesperson to show me some of the ropes, but a lot of what I was about to learn was mostly through trial and error. And still is.
First thing I did wrong was not setting up our Facebook page as a business. There for a while, the hospital actually had 2 different pages, and I was constantly trying to get everyone to look at both. Boy was that exhausting! Then came the day that I was courageous enough to combine the two and the seconds that passed while I waited to see if it actually worked seemed like an eternity. But as I began to see that it was actually all coming together and nothing was lost...I couldn't have been more proud of myself!  This girl, to this day, still considers herself computer illiterate so to accomplish such a feat when I knew how disastrous it could have been was a big deal to me. I've always been one to play it safe, and that day I was completely out of my comfort zone. But I did it!
  That's not all I did either. I've went to several seminars for Social Media Marketing and learned all the different platforms of social media and where an animal hospital should be placing themselves. I also got our Twitter page, a Pinterest page, Linked In and most recently, an Instagram account started. The Twitter thing though, I've just never gotten into too well, so I asked if I could pass it along to one of my co-workers that is considered a hash tag queen. Tiffany is now in charge of that and I wish her well with her tweeting. I've also learned that Linked In isn't really worth my time when it comes to trying to promote our hospital. Maybe if I was looking for another job or someone was looking for a job here but I'm not going anywhere and right now, we're not hiring. The Pinterest page and Instagram are easy and fun to work on so I'll continue to put my time and effort into them as well as Facebook and now...this blog

  Just like everything else I've attempted, I'm going to give this my best effort. I hope that others will enjoy what I will be sharing from behind the scenes here at our hospital. I'll try to keep things on the positive side because that's how I prefer to live my life, but working in an animal hospital has its moments of smacking you in the face with reality, and at times I'll share that too. One thing I can guarantee my readers, there is always going to be some cute pics of puppies and kittens on my blog! So stay tuned, and wish me luck!

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