Finally, warm
weather is here! This winter seemed to last forever and cabin fever was caught
by many this year, but we made it. Now that we have nice weather, it’s time to
get in your car and go places. Besides trying to decide on where to go, you
also must decide on whether or not to take your pet with you. Well, let me help
you make that decision wisely.
If you choose to
ignore the recommendations of this flow chart and decide to take your pet with
you, please be aware that the above warning about having your car windows
busted out, was just that, a warning. There are many of people that won’t
hesitate to do whatever is necessary to save a pet that looks like it is
possibly suffering. Laws are quickly being passed that would consider leaving
your pet in a hot car as animal abuse and fines and jail time can be
Thank you Pet Butler for
helping us to understand how quickly those temperatures can rise.
And just in case, here’s how to help if your pet does become
overheated…but we hope you never need it.